The highlights of the report on Indian students who choose to study abroad are as follows:
1. Over the next 6-10 months (near September or January beginners), 76% of students surveyed planned their studies abroad. 2. 16% of students say that they will decide to study abroad in the summer and 8% believe that the Covid-19 epidemic will postpone the decision. 3. However, the above figures changed as students were informed that international universities were taking steps. Approximately 25% of the students did not grasp the preparation steps taken intakes for the 20th and 21st September by colleges, including mixed learning opportunities. 4. More than 70 % of students favor an international healthcare program. Indian students led by the US, India, Germany , Sweden and Finland ranked Canada and the United Kingdom among the most respected foreign healthcare systems. 5. 76% of the students surveyed are in the graduate category, whereas the remaining 34% are under graduate. 6. The research revealed that Great Britain was the most popular Indian study destination. This won 28% of the votes. The three top options elected by 20% of students were Canada, Germany and Australia. 7. At 15 % and 18 % votes respectively, France and the US are near second preference for studying abroad.
Alexander Stubb said head of the School of Transnational Governance at the European Union Institute. "Their pretty transparent and open welfare policy has lead to "The popularity in many of the emerging nations, including Northern European countries, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
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