This was OINP’s largest draw of 2020. A total of 1,288 invitations were made to candidates who may be eligible for the Express Entry Human Capital Priorities stream. CRS score were recorded between 463 and 477 to receive and invitation in this draw and an Express Entry profile was needed.
Another draw was held on same day, July 29, 2020 by Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) invited total 502 candidates from following categories:
COVID-19 has exposed significant shortcomings in Canada’s immigration so Government is all set to implement many reforms to create more opportunities in order to reward skills in demand. Start your process now to move Canada in early 2021.
Canada, British Columbia Nominee Program (BCPNP) Invites 34 candidates in fourth draw of this month7/30/2020
The BC PNP Tech Pilot key features are based on service, timeliness, prioritization, and engagement in response to the needs of the industry:
While planning to migrate abroad for work or study purpose there are many doubts in your mind. One of the most common questions which strike your mind is about IELTS With the help of this article, we will try to put insight in context to IELTS which all abroad aspirant should be aware of. Our team will also try to clear all your questions, doubts and fears relating to IELTS. Here we will discuss about fundamental knowledge about IELTS, test pattern, modules, band scores, location and few tips to get good score. Is IELTS necessary to go abroad?
IELTS is the most common English-language high-stakes exam in various anglophonic countries. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), Department of Immigration and Border Protection Australia and New Zealand recognize IELTS General Training as evidence of your English language proficiency. Providing proof of your language proficiency is an important step in securing a visa for permanent residency or study overseas. Language skills are a valued asset and are essential to career success and as well as other qualifications of any employment. You must acquire "competent" English or "vocational" English skills if you are a job visa applicant, and you have to prepare more than a simple conversational English language. Why would they take an English test even though you are going to study mathematics or engineering? Every non-native English speakers need to show their proficiency in English language. Schools and employers need an IELTS test and they know that when they meet you they must have a reasonable command of English. By taking IELTS they recognize that you already have a certain level of English proficiency, and they know what to expect and can get assured the language will not become a barrier for you. The IELTS also benefits you, as it stops you from plunging into circumstances in which you need more English than you actually possess.
What all you need to know about legitimated and easiest ways to move and get settled in Canada?7/13/2020
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