Which is the best choice for Indian immigrants, Canada or the United States? We will highlight the significant gaps in life and career between Canada and the United States for Indians in both nations, if you are hoping to start your life and career in a new country. In recent years, both Canada and the US have been popular destinations for Indian immigrants. However, recent statistics suggest that each year Canada welcomes more, and the amount in the United States declines.
In 2015, only 15% of all new permanent residents admitted to Canada were Indian nationals, but this number rose to 28% in 2019 around 85,000 new permanent residents in all. Meanwhile, the latest US figures indicate that around 70,000 new permanent indigenous people have been accepted in 2016, which falls to 65,000 by 2018. If these trends continue over the next few years, Canada is expected to accommodate even higher numbers of Indians as migration from India falls in the United States. It is also worth noting that Canada has an almost 10-fold population less than the U.S. making Indian immigration per capita across the two countries even higher. On the basis of per capita, the most frequent destination for Indian immigrants is clearly Canada. Canada offers a high standard of living and a high need for newcomers. The public health scheme, free primary and high school tuition, a stable economic and job market are all open to Canadians and permanent residents. All this in a country with a small population, meaning loads of space and access to natural resources is among the safest in the world. However, while Canada 's reputation among Indian immigrants could be largely due to the Canadian way of living, the simplicity of the Canadian immigration process , especially as particularly in comparison to American immigration, is another justification for Canada's highly populated Indian people. Why are so many Indians deliberately choosing Canada over the United States? Canada's permanent resident status (the U.S. Green Card's Canadian equivalent) can be achieved through several immigration programs, but the Express Entry Immigration system is by far the most popular among Indian immigrants. This provides a way for eligible skilled worker to achieve permanent resident status directly. You do not need a job offer, no sponsor required– really, you never need to have a presence in Canada before. Competitiveness in Express Entry system is indeed one of the challenges. Express Entry uses the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) to evaluate all interested parties using a complex, points-based grading system. A score of 1,200 components will be given to all qualifying applicants based on criteria such as age, English and French language skills, education, job experience and Canadian sponsorship. The applicants with the best score, are only invited for permanent residence Young, highly qualified applicants with good skills in either English or French are more likely to successfully undertake Express Entry. Although applicants other than this dream profile will succeed, they often require a point enhancement from another sector, such as a nomination by a province, a job opportunity from Canada or the prior work experience in Canada.
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