Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) invited 7000 Express Entry candidates with a minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of 490 to become permanent residents. Since January 18, this is the first all-program draw. Candidates from all three Express Entry programs are considered in an all-program draw: the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP), and the Canadian Experience Class (CEC). The number of ITAs in this draw exceeds the previous record of 5,500 candidates invited in the January 18 all-program draw. This draw deviates from a trend of program-specific draws that have occurred during the last two months. Prior to 2023, all Express Entry draws were all-program draws that welcomed over 1,000 candidates each time and expanded as the minimum CRS score lowered. The amount of assistance for immigrants in Canada is unparalleled in the world. Canada's population will reach 100 million by 2100. They claim that immigration is a major element in reaching this milestone, and the new analysis claims that Canada has an edge over other countries owing to Canadians' overwhelming support for immigration.
From the late 1990s, support for immigration in Canada has increased consistently, with no notable decreases owing to the global crisis in 2008 or the commencement of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. According to the research, support has risen along with "development in Canadians' multicultural identity," with 64% of Canadians saying that diversity is a sign of Canada's identity. This is a significant increase over data collected 25 years ago when only around 40% Canadian agreed. Since approximately a quarter of Canada's overall population is made up of immigrants is one of the key reasons for support. According to the 2021 census, 1.3 million new permanent residents arrived in Canada between 2016 and 2021, and Statistics Canada predicts that the country's immigrant population will continue to grow, reaching 34% by 2041.
The top Canadian industries that are currently hiring while government added 15000 new jobs2/16/2023 Canada, a total of 150,000 jobs were added in the month of January alone, significantly above expectations. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate remained stable at 5%, close to a record low. The study indicated that there are broad-based improvements during what was a fifth consecutive month of job increases, bringing total employment growth since September. The rate of employment creation is speeding; January's total was more than double that of December, when almost 70,000 positions were added. ![]() A welcoming immigration policy has contributed to Canada's rapid population expansion, and survey data reveals that non-permanent residents, such as students and temporary employees, are seeing significant job growth. As the labour force grew by 153,000 people, or 0.7%, the labour force participation rate improved by 0.3 percentage points to 65.7%. The list of sectors that added the most employment in 2023 is as follows: 651,335 people work in hospitals. 531,399 people work in full-service restaurants. 431,287 people are employed in supermarkets and food businesses. 402,477 people work at fast food establishments. 321,838 people are employed in colleges and universities. There are 320,499 people employed in IT consulting in Canada. 278,186 people are employed in commercial banking. Engineering Services employs 195,828 people. 191,252 people are employed in janitorial services in Canada. 187,025 people work in pharmacies and drug stores in Canada. IRCC held the fifth Express Entry draw of 2023 on February 15, 2023. In 2023, this was the third program-specific draw; the first two were held on February 1 and 2, respectively. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) invited 699 Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) candidates with a minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of 791 to become permanent residents. Moreover, A record number of immigrants are also expected to arrive in Canada in the upcoming months. According to projections, Canada will likely accept close to 190,000 immigrants this year under the two immigration streams combined: Express Entry and PNP. In 2025, this number is expected to increase to approximately 230,000 immigrants. As of January 31, there were 66,214 PNP candidates and 47,868 Express Entry applicants in line, according to the most recent information from IRCC. This is major good news for candidates, if you intended to immigrate to Canada. In the last several months, the government has created a record number of employment. Statistics Canada's job vacancy report for the quarter of reflects a year-long trend. Employers in Canada continue to experience labour shortages, with nearly a million (959,600) job openings. A position is considered vacant if and only if the following conditions are met: There is a particular position available; employment might begin within the next 30 days; and the employer is actively seeking people from outside the business to fill the role. Though the number of available positions is down 3.3% from the all-time high of 993,200 at the start of the last year, the demand for labour remains robust. In Canada, there were 1.1 people for every job opening. As organizations seek to attract more workers, average wages rise. In response to a competitive labor market and greater difficulties in hiring, several organizations have sought to boost the offered pay of open positions. In comparison to the same quarter last year, the average hourly salary offered grew by 7.5% to $24.20 per hour.
Some in-demand occupation categories saw wage gains that above the national average, including:
In Express Entry history, Canada holds the first Federal Skilled Workers-only draw. A total of 3,300 Express Entry applicants were invited to apply for permanent residency by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The cut-off score for the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) was 489. This was the second program-specific draw of 2023, after the results on February 1st, when only PNP applicants were invited. As Canada attempts to alleviate labour shortages, immigration becomes a top priority for the government. The Express Entry system of programs are expected to observe a trend of targeted draws for in-demand occupations in Canada by 2023. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) invited 893 Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) candidates with a minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of 733 to become permanent residents. Since July 2022, this was the first program-specific Express Entry draw. From July till now, IRCC held all-program draws in which all eligible Express Entry candidates were considered for invites. Express Entry candidates may be invited without a provincial nomination from one of the three program controlled by the Express Entry application management system in an all-program draw. A candidate's CRS score rises by 600 points after receiving provincial nomination. To be eligible for this draw, Express Entry applicants needed a minimum CRS score of 133 before receiving provincial nomination. Express Entry applicants in this draw have already been nominated by their respective provinces. Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) enable Canadian governments to propose people who meet regional labour market and demographic goals. Except for Quebec and Nunavut, the majority of Canadian provinces and territories have PNPs that are linked with Express Entry.
Over the last five years, Canada has been a more popular destination for immigrants, with 8% of respondents in 2021 stating they would choose to go to Canada rather than the United States. According to the research, the COVID-19 pandemic had little effect on people's willingness to migrate. This is clear from the rate at which migration has resumed since pandemic travel restrictions were lifted. For example, between 2021 and 2022, net foreign migration in the United States topped one million individuals. The Express Entry system aims to identify skilled immigrant candidates, with priority given to individuals who meet Canada’s economic needs and labour shortages. IRCC recently held consultations with the public and stakeholders to adapt the Express Entry application management system to better target Canada’s economic needs and labour shortages. In order to do this, the government intends to create Express Entry categories that focus on important characteristics such as educational background, professional experience, or proficiency in an official language rather than just a high score within the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). According to the IRCC, it is evaluating inviting Express Entry applicants based on their professional experience, industries in need of employees, whether they have previously been to Canada as temporary foreign workers or international students, and their level of fluency in the French language. IRCC is thinking of adding a category for job experience in specific professions. IRCC requested respondents to identify sectors of the labour market where there are persistent shortages of workers as well as make recommendations for how immigration might supplement Canada's current labour force as part of the consultation process.
From 2019, the most common primary occupations for temporary and permanent residence candidates through Express Entry were:
The IRCC held a surprise draw Wednesday, marking the second Express Entry draw in two weeks. IRCC has already invited 11,000 Express Entry candidates for 2023, marking the fastest start to Express Entry in history. IRCC invited 5500 Express Entry applicants to apply for permanent residency. The cut-off score for the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) was 490. Last week's CRS cut-off was 507, implying that the CRS cut-off score has dropped 17 points between draws. As the global economy transitions toward greener, digital economies, and automation, some of the most significant labour shortages have become apparent. Skills gaps and rising employment openings in critical industries such as construction, healthcare, and professional, scientific, and technical services are contributing to the shortages. All of these fields need extensive and specialized training. Without increased immigration of qualified skilled professionals to sustain Canada's social services, such as healthcare, the population would face major challenges. Last year was a one of unique year for Express Entry. According to ministerial guidelines, 46,538 ITAs were issued to Express Entry candidates with total of 23 draws in 2022., Candidates from the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), and the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) were invited in this draw. All of these invitations are part of the Express Entry System. A total of 5,500 Express Entry applicants were invited to apply for permanent residency by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The cut-off score for the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) was 507. This is the largest all-program Express Entry draw since they restarted in last July, with an increase in the amount of ITAs issued. There were 750 more invitations than the draw on November 23, which invited 4,750 applicants. The CRS score was also higher than it has been since the draw on September 28 which, was 504. This time the CRS score have increased 16 points since the last draw.
Canada is in the top three countries employers' choice to hire foreign talent. While there a long way to go, the country has an impressive track record of its own and is welcoming these workers from around the world. It is also a place where many new businesses are starting up every day thanks to our strong economy and strong tech sector that goes hand-in-hand with innovation, creativity, and business talent. One only needs to look at the global success of some of Canada's most successful companies. Hootsuite, Shopify and Zendesk are just a few examples of Canadian-founded and headquartered brand names that took off in both Canada and abroad. The Canadian success story continues to grow with a variety of companies that are driving customer engagement and loyalty. These companies have dominated their respective industries for years, and continue to do so today. Posting for jobs that aren't truly employment can be found on job boards all over the internet, disguising as genuine chances for unsuspecting job searchers. Though they won't pour ectoplasm at candidates after they submit a résumé, ghost jobs—advertising for opportunities that aren't actually open—are becoming more noticeable and condemned by applicants. Ghost jobs have existed for as long as I've worked in the [talent acquisition] industry. "At least the last 15 years," she explained. According to a recent Clarify Capital poll, 50% of managers keep advertisements up permanently just to watch who applies, even if there isn't a real position. If the listings remain up for an extended period of time, job applicants will notice clear signs: "They look at how long they've been up, they start looking at how detailed the job description is," Bailey made clear, recognizing that ghost listings are typically less comprehensive than their very little contemporaries. A ghost job is a position that doesn’t actually exist but gets advertised anyway. Companies may use ghost jobs to gather contacts or to funnel applicants through a specific system to see how it works. Job-seekers, meanwhile, often encounter these positions when they look for opportunities on social media, recruitment websites, or company career pages. They get lured in by the promise of a new career opportunity only to learn that the job was never available in the first place.
The practice is relatively common, particularly among larger employers that use sophisticated Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). These systems can cost thousands per month, and companies want to ensure that they work well before rolling them out across their organizations. Ghost jobs let employers test ATS without actually filling any positions—and without even alerting potential candidates about what’s really going on. Many organizations have also done away with dedicated HR departments. Outsourcing HR is much more affordable than hiring an entire team just for recruitment—but it means that HR providers must be extra vigilant in their recruitment practices. If an organization wants to find candidates for one role and has posted ghost jobs for other roles previously, there’s a risk the candidate will end up being considered for one of the ghost positions instead of the real one. Ghost offers are basically fake job offers. Ghost offers are designed by unscrupulous recruiters who use bogus websites to lure potential employees into believing that they have received a genuine offer letter, but this is not the case. In fact, these offers will usually be untraceable and void, leaving you with little recourse when you discover their true nature. The ghost job offer option is a listing that sits unchanged for months, except for the occasional moderation of an application. A ghost job listing is like an exercise dummy that you can pull a lever on. If someone suddenly leaves an important position, a ghost job listing provides a pool of readily available talent that can be called upon in a pinch, at least theoretically. Certain job interviews may conjure up baffled visions in the minds of certain applicants. An applicant may feel as if they're left stranded on a desolate island after weeks, if not months, of interviews with different managers and recruiters, clinging to the diminishing hope that a recruiter, will inform him, "You've got mail" regarding a job offer. According to two talent acquisition consultants who talked openly with our team, candidates who take third-, fourth-, and even fifth-round interviews (and beyond) may frequently be influenced by the desires of hiring managers who can't make up their decisions. Interviews might feel endless "because the hiring manager is not comfortable making a choice which means they're not very self-assured," says one of the expert. A hospitality services industry talent acquisition specialist stated "They're not that certain. They don't know enough about hiring, nurturing, and growing employees to choose the proper one."
It goes without saying that varying levels of vetting are necessary for various job interviews depending on the seniority of the vacant positions. According to talent acquisition specialist in technical engineering and government contractors.", the number of workers an applicant meets with and the overall number of interviews "should be proportionate to the level of the post." However, long interviews might have an impact on a company's bottom line. Positions that remain vacant for months "may have a detrimental influence on organization's capacity to maintain their revenue development, as well as a bad impact on the morale of the employees who are still being harmed" by shouldering the extra work of a vacant post, according to the study. Even though deliberations are expected to take some time, our senior recruiter believes it is important to assure applicants that their efforts would not be in vain. "I'll update my prospects and say, 'Hey, we're making progress.'" 'I'll have something for you in five days,' she said. "Opening that channel of contact and educate customers/candidates where they are in the process is part of the answer." There is no ideal number of interviews or persons to meet with applicants, but keeping certain criteria in mind will assist narrow the process. The NOC system monitors and organizes all employment in the Canadian labour market, and it is updated to reflect changes in the economy and the nature of work. As additional jobs become eligible for the Express Entry programs, the modifications to the NOC system complement the Minister's goal to expanding routes to permanent residency for temporary employees and foreign students. Sean Fraser, Canada's Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, introduced the National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 for immigration programs controlled through the Express Entry system. Using the new NOC categories, Canada will be able to attract global talent in high-demand industries Generally, industries tend to be in high demand across the country are:
Candidates may expect Express Entry draws to continue in late 2022 and early 2023, with CRS scores being the primary deciding factor in issuing ITAs. Canada held its most recent all-program Express Entry draw on November 23, 2022. Since they started on July 6, it was the eleventh all-program draw. IRCC invited 4750 Express Entry applicants to apply for permanent residency. The cut-off score for the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) was 491. This draw has the same amount of ITAs as the previous two on November 9 and October 26. With each round, the CRS score decreases by two or three points. The new system classifies jobs based on the amount of training, education, experience, and responsibility (TEER) required. The new TEER system has amended NOC 2016's competence levels 0-E and developed five TEERS in their place. With this modification, 16 previously ineligible occupations can now benefit from improved routes to permanent residency. |
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